Teaching and Training


CHM 6180 – Scientific Communication

Th (3:00 PM – 4:55 PM)

CHM 6934 – Responsible Conduct of Chemical Research

Fr (3:00 PM – 3:50 PM)

CHM 6037 – Chemical Biology Seminar

Fr (11:45 – 1:40)

UF Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Program

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! – Third Annual UF-CBI Symposium | Saturday, November 8


Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 14, 2023 for the 3rd Annual Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI) Symposium. This event showcases research progress of graduate students and postdocs working at the Chemistry-Biology interface and brings together CBI mentors and predoctoral students for a day of transdisciplinary scientific discussion, networking, and professional development. 

Last year the inaugural Symposium brought together over 70 participants from 11 departments and colleges across campus.  This year we hope to expand the scope and impact of the symposium and continue to promote and support the students and mentors working at the cutting edge of biotechnology, bioscience, chemical biology, and drug discovery.

The UF CBI Symposium will consist of oral presentation, a poster session, and keynote. This event is open to all graduate students and postdocs participating in chemical biology research at UF.  Deadline for abstracts and registration coming soon!


Dr. Angela Gronenborn University of Pittsburg

Lab link